
  • Thank you so much.

    In the past I would have just done what I wanted and not listened to my husband.  Now, I've learned to trust that God can guide him in what is best for our family and it's transformed our lives. God has given me the opportunity to share about Discerning Idols with some ladies, too.

  • I really needed this.

    I used to grumble and say, "I know you are my leader and whatever you say goes, BUT you know that God intends for you to love me as Christ loves the church, and that means He probably thinks you should be doing it my way more than your own." (Yes, I actually said that!) 
  • Unbelievable difference.

    I wasn't sure your teaching and books would help me, but the changes in my husband have been nothing short of amazing. And boy, did I have a lot of changing to do, too!! It's UNBELIEVABLE how God is working in us and our marriage!!