Biblical Counseling Training and Certification Information

If you are interested in pursuing biblical counseling certification, the following list and links will be helpful. Plan to allow 2-3 years for the 30+ hours of training, 10 hours observation, open book essay exam of about 75 pages, and 50 hours supervision. The following information and links will be helpful. 

Certification Process


1.  First, read this summary  of biblical counseling and this:   ACBC requirements for certification


2. If pursuing ACBC certification, read these ACBC policy documents


3. Satisfy the 30 training hours . You can do this by attending an ACBC "On the Road" three-weekend conference, a five-day conference through ACBC or Faith Lafayette, or one of numerous training centers. Biblical Counseling degrees at colleges or universities also generally include certification. Most training offerings charge a fee. Some of the online trainings are free. Here is a link to various training centers.

     ACBC offers online, self-paced training each winter from January - April for $99. Click here for more information.

     ACBC also offers a 3-weekend training at various locations around the country, throughout the year.

     IBCD (Institute of Biblical Counseling & Discipleship) offers free podcast (audio only) online, which satisfies the ACBC requirements. The links for both levels (required) are below.



You can download or purchase a handbook of worksheets to go with each level at a very reasonable price, by clicking here:

     Level 1 Workbook (click and select "Handbook" for the Level 1 handbook)

     Level 2 Workbook (click and select "Handbook" for the Level 2 handbook)

     IBCD also offers video training for $99 that includes access to their entire video library, including observation videos that satisfy Item #4.

Other Online Training opportunities are available at these approved training centers, for various tuition costs:  

     INS (Institute of Nouthetic Studies)

     RGCC (Reigning Grace Counseling Center)

     The Biblical Counseling Center

     Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center


4. Fourth, observe 10 hours of counseling by an ACBC Certified Counselor.

     You can search here for an ACBC Certified counselor  and ask if you could observe for free. Be sure to log observations on the observation log you can download from here.

     Alternatively, you can purchase a DVD set of observations at these links. Expect to pay approximately $100 to purchase a set of observation DVD's. 

            Faith Lafayette:


 You will still need to log your hours with the observation log linked above.


5. Fifth, read 1000 pages of approved books . Make sure at least 300 pages are from the listed Biblical Counseling and Theology Texts. Note your reading on the reading log you can download from here. 

     Spreadsheet of required reading cross-referenced to the exam questions, by Lori Stephens  


6. Sixth, complete open book Theology and Counseling Exams (together, these tests may total 75 pages, double-spaced). While intimidating, the study and writing of these exams is life-changing.

      ACBC Theology and Counseling Exams and Templates

      Links to Helps and Guides, by Question, for Completing the Exams



7. Seventh, application. Click here 


8. Eighth, conduct 50 supervised hours of counseling. Must be completed within one year of starting. Click here for more information.