Karen's Helpful Exam Links

The following helps are valuable for test completion. 


ACBC Exam questions and templates from the ACBC website www.biblicalcounseling.com 

Counseling and Theology Exam Helps

          Northcreek Church ACBC Exam Sermons

          Northcreek Church ACBC Exam Sermons, alternative link

          Brief Introductory help to taking the exams, by Keith Palmer

Counseling Exam Helps

           Counseling Exam helps by question (CBCD audio) by Keith Palmer

           Counseling Exam Guide by question (CBCD), by Keith Palmer

           Counseling Exam Helps by question, by Faith Lafayette (for fee)

      Theology Exam Helps

          CBCD Theology Exam Helps by question (CBCD audio), by Keith Palmer

          Theology Exam Guide by question, (CBCD), by Keith Palmer 

          Theology Exam Helps by question, by Faith Lafayette  (for fee)

       Great Resource for specific topics

            Conform to Jesus, Chad Damitz blog